Add a new table element connected to Patients Table
For patient count KPI
Create a child element visualization
Change the visualization type to KPI
Put Patient ID in the Value
Change aggregation type to Count Distinct
Rename the title to Patient Count
For average age KPI
In the Patients table calculate age
DateDiff("year", [Birthdate], Today())
Add a child KPI element
Put Age in the value
Change aggregation type to Average
Rename the title to Average Age
For Binned Bar Chart
Create a slider page control
(I named my Bin-Input)
I did min value of 5, max of 15
In the Patient Table, create a table summary for the Min Age and Max Age
Add a column to put all of the ages in a fixed number of bins
BinFixed([Age], [Min of Age], [Max of Age], [Bin-Input])
Create a child table of the Patients table
Group by the Bins
Add columns for the min and max of ages for each grouped bin
Concatenate the min and max ages for a label
Concat(Text(Min([Age])), "-", Text(Max([Age])))
Create a column for the count of patients at the grouped level
Create a child bar chart off of this child table
(Make sure the bar charge is grouped to the Bin Level)
Put Age Ranges on X-Axis
Put the count of patients on Y-Axis
Change the aggregation to percent of grand total
Set aggregate > Show percent of total > % of grand total
Add bar chart labels and remove grid lines
For Sankey
Add another child visualization (or duplicate the Percent of the patients bar chart)
Change the visualization type to Sankey
Put Gender and Age Ranges in Stages
Put Patient Count in Value
Rename title
For Percent of Patients by Gender
Create a child visualization from the first patient table (not the grouped one)
Change orientation to be horizontal
Put Gender in Y-Axis
Put the count of patients on X-Axis
Change the aggregation to percent of grand total
Set aggregate > Show percent of total > % of grand total
Rename the title
Move everything except the tables to a second or new tab
Hide the data tab
Add a title text element for “Percent of Patients by Age Ranges”
Create a container with the label, bin slider, and the percent of patients by age range bar chart
Arrange everything as seen in the example
Match any other formatting or titles
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